
A group of people eating Chinese food

Authentic Chinese Restaurants in Leeds : Student Guide

25 Jul 2024

Nausheen Mohideen

Welcome to our blog on Authentic Chinese Restaurants in Leeds! Whether you’re a fan of classic dishes or looking for something new, Leeds has plenty of spots that serve up tasty and authentic Chinese meals. From delicious dumplings and crispy Peking duck to hearty noodle dishes, this city has it all.  Whether you are a […]

A group of students having fun on freshers week

How To Enjoy Freshers Week To The Fullest

18 Jul 2024

Nausheen Mohideen

Freshers Week marks the beginning of university life, offering new students a chance to immerse themselves in campus activities and forge friendships. This blog is your go-to guide for navigating and enjoying this exciting week. Discover tips on joining clubs, exploring campus facilities, and balancing social events with academic responsibilities. Whether you’re keen on partying […]

Girl sitting near a window

How To Beat Homesickness at University

10 Jul 2024

Nausheen Mohideen

Starting university can be an exciting journey filled with new experiences, but it’s also common to feel a tug of homesickness. Adjusting to a new environment, away from familiar faces and routines, can be challenging. However, there are effective ways to combat homesickness and embrace your university adventure fully. From staying connected with loved ones […]

A group of friends laughing on a road trip

Road Trip Essentials: Packing Tips and Tricks for Student Travellers

6 Jun 2024

Nausheen Mohideen

Start your next trip with confidence as we delve into road trip essentials with packing tips and tricks for student travellers hitting the road.  Whether you’re planning a weekend getaway or a cross-country trip, proper packing can make or break your road trip experience. In this blog, we’ll cover everything from efficient packing to must-have […]

Person holding a tree in a glass in their hand

How Students Can Lead the Change on World Environment Day

31 May 2024

Matt King

June 5th is the annual World Environment Day, which this year is focused on the theme of land restoration, desertification, and drought resilience. The important of World Environment Day becomes more pronounced every single year, as we witness and experience the greater impact of global warming across the world. We’ve given you tips in the […]

Person putting clothes into a recycling bag

How To Be A Sustainable Yet Fashionable University Student On A Budget

23 Apr 2024

Nausheen Mohideen

In today’s world, sustainability is more than just a trend; it’s a lifestyle. As university students, balancing fashion and wanting to be more environmentally friendly can seem challenging due to the increased costs of sustainable pieces which are not always affordable to students. But this doesn’t have to be impossible.  In this blog, we’ll explore […]